Nyah waiting her turn

Jump, Jump, Jump
The Stamps they got after Gymnastic's
Anastyn waiting her turn
Balance beam

Yesterday was the 1st class for fall gymnastics. This was nothing new for Nyah, we started her when she was 18mo old. She has loved it since the day we started. She is now in her own class without mommy or daddy. She does so well!
As for Anastyn, it started out a little rough. Thankfully Justin was there, he is so patient with her. When she would start to act up and disrupt the class he would calmly take her into the hallway and let her calm down. By the end of the class she was participating without any major meltdowns. I think next week will be easier because we learned that having Nyah in the room while Anastyn is in class is a distraction. Anastyn wants to be where ever Nyah is.
This weeks assignments...
At this time we are working on waiting our turn and sharing with Anastyn and Nyah is working on NOT talking when the teacher is talking and following directions! :)
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