Thursday, September 20, 2012

Preschool RePoRt CaRd

Nyah has been thoroughly pleased about going to preschool, today she came home with her report card from Mrs. Mckenzie. Nyah was quite proud of herself, as were we! She is doing so well in school!

Last week she was very excited to get a  letter in the mail.  Mrs. Mckenzie sent her a letter and a picture that was taken the 1st day of school.

Your are doing so well Ny, we are so proud of you!
We Love you,
Daddy, Mommy & Anastyn


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

...Word Journal's of our girls...

pack pack (backpack)
Oh pickles
Snarl (snore)
Neskalice (necklace)

Some of Nyah's favorites at the age of 4:
loves to sing along to the radio
play with cousins at Grandma Grace's
Loves to play with her babies & barbies
loves to do projects with mommy and sister
loves to have Root beer with her Pizza- " My root beer is SPICY!"
Justin was pouring her a root beer the other day with dinner, the root beer had been shaken up and he opened it.  The root beer of course overflowed onto the counter and the floor and with a startled look on her face she said " Oh S@#* dad!",  Justin explained to her that we don't talk like that and could no longer keep his composer and had to leave the room to  hide his laughter.

Party time (her birthday) When  we ask her when her Party Time is her response "deshember forf" (december 4th)  Finally she will say when her birthday is!
When we ask her what her name is... her most common response's ~
            The other sister
             nushing. (nothing)
Periodically she will answer correctly "Anstn Aree Scnider", then she will clap for herself!
After she sings her ABC's, she ask "aren't you clap?"
The other day we were at the Fire station and we were sitting at the table eating, the girls were playing and Anastyn tooted. I asked her" Anastyn, what do you say?" her reply "oh Brad!" Then she started laughing. She thought it was so funny that she blamed someone else!

Each day they say or do something that makes us laugh or just be completely amazed at their vocabulary!

Celebrating #6

This year Justin and I will celebrate our 6th Anniversary, our actual anniversary isn't until November but because of our work schedules we celebrate sometime in the fall... after we started our family we felt the best way to celebrate is to take a small little trip somewhere for a few days... So this year I decided I would surprise Justin with an anniversary trip in September. I have kept it a secret for roughly 6 weeks, at one point I thought I was completely busted by Nyah. She asked me one evening "who come to my house when you go to football?"  My response "Uh Ny what are you talking about? Justin are you going to a football game I don't know about? 

I decided to tell Justin about our trip this past this is what Justin found in our front yard...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Day of Pre-school

Our little girl is growing up faster than our liking! we are so proud of her and all she accomplishes each day. She was excited to start school, last night she picked out her outfit, shoes, underwear etc... placed them on the couch. Got her pack pack (backpack) and put her snack in it, hung it on the garage door. When we pulled up to her school she was quick to get out and head to class. I had to remind her to say bye to daddy and sister. She paused long enough for dad to snap a quick picture and she was off!
Once we dropped Ny off  and were driving home...Anasytn asked "where my Nyah at? I neber going to see her again?" Oh it was heart wrenching, poor girl is lost without her buddy!
But daddy kept her busy puzzling while sister was at school!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Houston Reunion 2012

This year we spent the day in Barclay, NV. We all met at Grandma Grace’s at 8 am sharp! Grandma Grace gave us a little bit of history in regards to our journey we were about to endeavor.  This was originally the journey that Grandma Graces father Lenzi Sullivan took as a 12 year old boy.  In the spring time each year Grandpa Lenzi and his family would pack their wagon of their belongings and head to Barclay. Grandpa Lenzi would pull the wagon while his family drove in their car. They would travel a distance and then wait for Lenzi to arrive, the first day they made it from Saint George to Diamond Valley. They stayed the night and would continue their travels; they would make it to Mountain Meadow and stay another night. The next morning they traveled to Holt’s ranch where they camped another night and continued on to Barclay the following day. Once they reached their destination they would stay for 4-6 months and Grandpa Lenzi would help his father farm.

After Grandma's brief introduction we all headed for Barclay. Upon our arrival we placed coins on the railroad tracks and waited for the next train to come by and flatten them. We played on the swing and then headed over to a small pavilion behind the old school house.   Grandma Grace then continued to tell us about the work Grandpa Lenzi did while on the farm, which wasn't something he enjoyed.  We had lunch, took a tour of the old school house and came home. It was a fun day to spend with eachother!