Christmas morning Nyah woke me around 0530 "mom, I had an assident". Can you help me change my nightgown?" So after she was all cleaned up she crawled into bed with us and fell back asleep. Around 0830 Justin asked Nyah if Santa had come? She jumped out of our bed, out the door and down the hall she went, turned the corner and ran to the front door... Justin was sitting in the living room with the video camera and asked her where she was going? With a disgusted look on her face she said "you told me to see if SANTA CAME!" She opens the front door and out onto the lawn she goes... looks up and down the street and comes back into the house "NOPE he not here"! At this point Justin tells her that he came while she was sleeping and to check under the tree to see if he left her any gifts... When she saw the gifts under the tree her eyes lit up and she shouted "he came, he came, lets open them!" So we went to Anastyn's room to get her and to our unwanted surprise she woke up with a cold! Poor girl, so we cleaned out her nose etc... and headed to the living room to open presents. She was such a trooper she didn't let the cold get her down, she enjoyed opening her presents and playing with all of her toys.

As Nyah opened each of her presents she would place them in a pile on the couch, she went through each one thoroughly to make sure all the of the wrapping paper was removed, no signs of tape etc... we think she has a little OCD :) She likes things to be neat and tidy!
Christmas evening we all went to Uncle John & Natalie's to visit with the rest of the family to see what Santa brought to them. Once we arrived the girls disappeared playing with their cousin's.
We had a great time visiting & playing Dance Party 3.