Friday, February 19, 2010

Growing fast!!

Well since I blogged last we have been busy...Anastyn had her check up and she growing up so fast, literally!!

December 4th (when she was born)- she was 7lbs and 19 in.

February 11th- 12lbs and 24 in.

During this appointment we spoke with the Dr. about Anastyn's horrible stomach aches. I know about the whole colic stage we kept thinking that she would soon grow out of the crying. At this appt. the Dr. prescribed us Hyosen drops for her, it is a MIRACLE.
She is a completely different baby, she coos and smiles, she is easily consoled when she is crying. No more stomach aches its wonderful.

As for our Nyah she is a energizer bunny! She is loving tumbling class. When we pull into the parking lot of Barefoot, she starts to shout "nastics, nastics" (translation-gymnastics) We are still working on waiting our turn and sharing. She is getting a little better. We are still working on potty training. The past few days during nap time I have found her naked as a jay bird with a huge wet spot on the sheets. So I have started to change her into a onesie before bed, we'll see how long it takes for her to out smart me! I think she is in the stage of taking her clothes off, this morning I was cleaning and I opened the back door so that she could play outside with dogs. I looked out the window of our living room to find her standing in the back yard with her shoes and pants on. Her coat was laying in the grass, which Sammi was using as a bed and her shirt on the table...Oh our Nyah Grace!

Anastyn and Nyah playing on the floor

BoldNyah sharing her stickers from her potty chart with her baby

Our "little" Ana-bug

1 comment:

Haley Houston said...

Your blog is the best it's the funnest blog to look at ever i love you guys to death! Nyah is like my little sister i completely adore her! i love the pic of her with the sunglasses!